Fastcheck Facts:

Private Label Check Conversion

Need an ECC (Electronic Check Conversion) piece to complete your product offering in today's marketplace? Let us help you do it your way. From the Merchant Application to Customer Relations, we will seamlessly integrate these services with your business. You can provide your customers a complete array of electronic processing services while taking on as much or as little of the work as you desire.

Point of Present (POP Transactions) at the Point of Sale.

Your customer (or merchant) not only saves on banking and accounting costs, but can significantly reduce losses from bad checks and fund their account at the end of the next business day. A complete image capture of the check taken at the Point of Purchase is available, which is accessible for collection purposes.

For those that desire tracking deposits and funds availability in real time, you have access an extensive 24 X 7 Online SSL Transaction and Deposit Tracking System which can be rebranded with your organizations name and logo, and setup for your customers to access.

With an extensive list of POS terminals supported, the Fastcheck Network offers its members options and programs which include: Standard Check Conversion at the Point of Sale Check Conversion without Guarantee (obtaining your own check collection fees) Check Conversion with Guarantee (without the risk of your organization funding the Guarantee)